- chuting
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English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
chuting — chut·ing … English syllables
chuting board — ˈshüd.iŋ , ütiŋ noun Etymology: by alteration : shooting board … Useful english dictionary
chute — chute1 /shooht/, n., v., chuted, chuting. n. 1. an inclined channel, as a trough, tube, or shaft, for conveying water, grain, coal, etc., to a lower level. 2. a waterfall or steep descent, as in a river. 3. a water slide, as at an amusement park … Universalium
chute — I. noun also shute Etymology: French, from Old French, from cheoir to fall, from Latin cadere more at chance Date: 1805 1. a. fall 6b b. a quick descent (as in a river) ; rapid 2. an inclined plane, sloping channel, or passage down or t … New Collegiate Dictionary
parachute — I. noun Etymology: French, from para (as in parasol) + chute fall more at chute Date: 1785 1. a device for slowing the descent of a person or object through the air that consists of a fabric canopy beneath which the person or object is suspended… … New Collegiate Dictionary
West Country dialects — SW England official region (approximately co extensive with areas where West Country dialects are spoken) The West Country dialects and West Country accents are generic terms applied to any of several English dialects and accents used by much of… … Wikipedia
Mississippi Aerial River Transit — Coordinates: 29°56′40″N 90°03′45″W / 29.944448°N 90.062442°W / 29.944448; 90.062442 … Wikipedia
FTL Newsfeed — The first show ever shown on the SciFi Channel, FTL Newsfeeds were 30 second snippets of fictitious news info that were supposed to have come from the year 2142. This future timeline was fraught with stories of genetic engineering issues,… … Wikipedia